February 3, 2013

Mom’s turn to post! {GAPS}

Posted in GAPS friendly, soup tagged , , , , , , at 10:22 pm by Jordan

Stage 1

Here’s what we’re allowed to eat right now…basically boiled meat and soup, with ginger, mint, or chamomile tea between meals. So far we have just the youngest rejecting the food, and he’s vomited a few times, probably due to low blood sugar.  Right now he’s chosen to just have chamomile tea with a little honey while his brother eats enough soup for the both of them! Hoping he’ll join our team soon and dig in to the good stuff that will nourish and heal him…


We get most of our food from azurestandard.com or the farmer’s markets, but I had to visit our local Sprouts grocery store because I ran out of the perishables so quickly. Everything we get is organic now (except wild caught fish and lamb bones from New Zealand, a place that’s GMO free and has millions of sheep feeding on lush green grass). I wish I’d have been brave enough to snap a picture of the check-out conveyer belt–so many veggies! There was lots of broccoli, celery for stocks (can’t eat that yet), garlic, 8 squashes, 3 cauliflowers, 12 bags of baby carrots (the organic were only .88 for some reason, and I probably should have gotten more since they’re a wonderful convenience item for snacks and soups! A good starch to keep their bodies going so we have them boiling on the stove each day, sometimes with pieces of ginger in the water.) Those are all the veggies we can have right now, plus lots of meat and stock from our extra freezer. (Onions too, but I got a 40# bag of those from Azure this week!)


This highly restricted diet has become a spiritual quest as well. I’ve been studying about fasting from both a Christian and nutritional perspective and have learned so much about how fasts (and partial fasts) can help us both spiritually and physically. I thought 40 days would be a good goal for our commitment to the GAPS diet intro since that was such a significant number in the Bible (ie Jesus fasted 40 days in the wilderness before starting His ministry) so that puts us at just about a week for each phase if all goes well. We also hope to make each Sabbath dinner special with candles, flowers, special dishes, place cards with encouraging Scripture verses, etc. (Sabbath goes from sundown Saturday through daylight hours on Sunday.)

Sabbath 2

Daniel’s ground beef and onion soup was a hit as was the aromatic centerpiece made of mint from the garden. We’ve been using it often to make mint tea–yum! The carrots are there to try to tempt Joshua to eat…no such luck; just tea for him again.

Full Oven

Sundays will be leftover/crock pot days to try to minimize work–there’s 2 kinds of soup, the 3 boiled veggies we’re allowed (to eat straight or add to soup), ginger for tea in between meals, and stock going from yesterday that will be strained later. I think there was squash going in another crock pot on another counter–we consider that “dessert”, not vegetable, even though we eat it with salt. Can’t wait for Ghee on Stage 2 to put on that!