January 31, 2013

And so it begins {GAPS}

Posted in GAPS friendly tagged at 8:30 pm by Jordan

8 years ago under the direction of nutritionist Kim Schuette, Mom (also named Kim) went on the Page Diet Plan (basically meat and vegetables), which helped a lot with her chronic pain and adrenal fatigue. We were also introduced to the intriguing book Nourishing Traditions, and the whole family moved toward eating more whole and organic foods.

Since then, we have been on a journey searching for mental, emotional, and physical wholeness. Over the years we have slowly cut out certain foods and increased our consumption of others. For example, I (Jordan, age 20) have been gluten-free for a year now, and the family has had very limited grains. We’ve also added things like green smoothies, sourdough bread, and fermented foods like chutney and sauerkraut.


beef and chicken stock simmering for 24-36 hours

After hearing about the GAPS diet for a few years, we met a family of 11 whose life had been restored by it. Mom realized this could be a way to fast, detoxify, and take our health to the next level. We children live under the shadow of our grandfathers’ heart disease, father’s melanoma, and mother’s Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. The youngest two were adopted and had been exposed to meth in utero (who knows what their genetic background entails).

I will be recording our experiences here. You can expect to see recipe reviews, original recipe tutorials, ideas for making the GAPS diet (and healthy food in general) palatable and fun for children, and whatever else I can come up with.


  1. […] And so it begins {GAPS} (creativenourishment.wordpress.com) […]

  2. […] And so it begins {GAPS} (creativenourishment.wordpress.com) […]

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